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Getting started

First time setup

Manual app creation

  1. Create a new Git repo following your structure
  2. Add a deploy key.
  3. Create a branch called prod, and make it the default branch. Apply protection so no one can push and maintainers can merge.
  4. Delete the master branch
  5. Create a branch called qa. Apply protection so developers & maintainers can push and merge. This prevents accidental deletion.


At the very least, you need to update the Splunk repo as appropriate. You should create a new branch off of QA, to make your merge easier. The filename should match the app's name. The file is entirely case-sensitive. The format is:

      qa: # branch name to deploy to QA
      prod: # branch name to deploy to prod
    deployto: # this is a list, valid values are any combination of the following three
      - shcluster
      - forwarder
      - indexer
    serverclass: # if deployed to forwarders, the serverclass to associate with this app. must already exist.
      - Internal Heavy Forwarders

If you only want to deploy using the util server's deployer, deployto should only contain forwarder. You can set the serverclass as desired, then.

Create a MR once you've confirmed it works in QA.

Adding an index

  1. Find your Splunk repo
  2. Navigate to the QA branch -> index folder.
  3. Add a new file, yourindexname.yaml file and add your index. Follow the index naming schemes appropriately, and be sure to update the master list of indexes. The file should look like this:
      name: yourindexname
      owner: "User or Distro Group <>"
      description: |
        This index is used for storing stuff and things.
        This description can be multiple lines.
  4. Test in QA; it should deploy within 30 minutes.
  5. Once it works, create a MR for QA -> master, and submit it for approval.

Last update: 2020-05-22